• Mar 15, 2020
  • Index Adventure
  • 3253

What is Coronavirus?

With Corona being the most searched topic today, you must be curious what exactly is Corona? Corona is the latest epidemic as the media portrays it. Classified as a large family of viruses, Coronavirus causes an illness that starts as a common cold and later takes the form of severe illness like the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) or MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). So, is Nepal safe from this dangerous virus?

Where did the Coronavirus come from?

The first case of Coronavirus or the COVID-19 was found in China in Wuhan city. Within a few days, the whole city was put under quarantine. The cases of Coronavirus only surfaced in the media during the New Year’s Eve. However, it is suspected that the disease had spread some time before the announcement.

The initial source of this dangerous virus was suspected to be the Bat Soup which the Chinese people considered a delicacy. However, the actual source of the virus is considered to be a Pangolin as a new research material surface. The cuisine of the Chinese people has been labeled as the main reason for the widespread of this disease. With the unique cuisine of eating raw meat of animals without proper research on whether it’s safe or not is another reason.

Has Coronavirus Reached Nepal?

With the postponement of the Visit Nepal 2020 campaign, the question of whether Nepal has been infected or not is on trial. No, Nepal has not yet been infected with the deadly virus. There has been one case of Coronavirus in Nepal. The infected person was put in quarantine and he has recovered from the virus.

Having close borders with China, the fear of Coronavirus entering Nepal was grave. Also, the number of students stuck in China during the outbreak had a hard time. The fear of them carrying the Coronavirus back to Nepal scared people. However, they were tested and quarantined and only returned back to the families when they were tested negative for the virus.

To date, there are no infected or spread cases of Coronavirus in Nepal. So Nepal has been declared a corona free zone to date.

Table of Contents

Is Nepal safe for travel?

Yes, Nepal has no cases of Coronavirus till now. With proper precautions and hygiene on your part, you can protect yourself from the virus. You can travel to Nepal and the time of your life without any fear of the Coronavirus as long as you are healthy.

Going through the checking at the International Airport on your arrival, if you are healthy, you will have a fun time in Nepal. All you will have to worry about is which trip to take once in Nepal. So don't worry!! With proper hygiene and preventive measures, you will be safe.

Widespread causes

Starting as a common cold, the severe cases of Coronavirus or COVID-19 causes kidney failure or pneumonia. It is life-threatening. So, what caused it to spread? The wet market in China was only the origin. Not all the people who caught the Coronavirus have been to China or had infected meat. The reason for the widespread? Yes, it is communicated from one person to another through coughing and sharing the same space.

After SARS, it is considered one of the most communicable diseases. The ship that was quarantined in Japan was found to have more infected people due to sharing the common food area.

Hence, WHO has confirmed that the COVID-19 can spread among people through infected coughs, sneeze, saliva, etc.

Do you have the Coronavirus?

With the Coronavirus being spread on a wide scale and making its way to many countries, you may be worried if you have the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus spreads easily if you are in contact with another infected person. So, if you have been in contact with someone who was diagnosed with the disease, get yourself checked.

If you have a common cold and you think your normal common cold medicines can make it go away, then it probably will. But if the common cold is not going away, get yourself checked. The most common symptoms of the Coronavirus or the COVID-19 are listed below.

  • Common cold
  • High fever that just won’t go away
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue

These are some of the mild symptoms of Coronavirus recorded to date. There have been severe cases of COVID-19 that cause kidney failure and pneumonia resulting in death. The people at the risk of catching this virus are the people with low immunity power like children and people of old age.

How to stay safe?

The Coronavirus is a new strain of the virus and has yet to be cured with a vaccine. This does not mean you have no chances against it. There are more than 50,000 cases of recovery. In Nepal, one person was diagnosed with the virus but he recovered with proper hygiene and care.

Some of the measures you could adopt to stay safe from the virus are listed below.

  • Try to avoid going to crowded places during the outbreak.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Try not to touch your face
  • Keep away from people who are coughing or sneezing
  • Sneeze and cough into your elbow or tissue
  • Drink lots of water
  • Avoid making any direct contact with livestock
  • Do not eat meat that is not properly cooked

For more tips on how to stay safe from the virus, please click here.

Efforts Made by the Nepalese Government

As any other country, Nepal is trying its best to protect the country and its citizens from the deadly virus. The government of Nepal has postponed the Visit Nepal 2020 Campaign because of the sudden outbreak of the disease. However, the tourist activities in Nepal is still at its best.

The Nepalese Government has made consistent efforts to protect the country and its citizens from the virus and has been guiding the citizens to take preventive measures to protect themselves. Some of the major efforts made by the government to control the virus from spreading in Nepal are listed below.

  • Suspension of the Visa on Arrival for all countries from 14th of March to 30th of April. Check www.nepalimmigration.gov.np/ for the latest update 
  • Installation of the infrared radiation thermometers at the Tribhuvan International Airport for testing all the passengers coming to Nepal. For more information about the TIA checking procedure, click this link.
  • Providing proper quarantine services to the people who are suspected to be infected with the virus
  • Educating the citizens of Nepal on how to prevent it and stay safe
  • Controlling activities that involve a large crowd gathering to prevent the spread

The government is trying its best to protect Nepal from Coronavirus, and to date, Nepal is considered safe from Coronavirus. The case of Coronavirus in Nepal is limited to one case of recovery and no more. The Government of Nepal has maintained the WHO standards of the quarantine process.

Does Corona mean death?

No, not necessarily. If you are diagnosed with Coronavirus, it does not mean confirmed death. Among the 102,242 cases, there have been more than 57,624 cases of recovery. This is proof that Coronavirus does not necessarily mean death.

With proper hygiene and diet, you can fight through this virus as any other common cold. Drinking lots of water and intaking lots of food to boost your immunity will help you recover.

But do not take the disease lightly and if you are infected make sure to get yourself quarantined as you may recover from it but people with a weak immune system may not survive it. So be responsible for other’s lives and safety as well.

Some Myths About Coronavirus

Pneumonia Vaccines protect you from Coronavirus

This is nothing but a myth. The vaccine for pneumonia is not effective against the new Coronavirus. However, this is good for your body so it doesn't cause pneumonia.

Can your house pets cause Coronavirus?

No, house pets and companion animals have not yet been known to cause the virus to spread. But it is always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water and maintain hygiene after touching your pets.

There are various other myths about Coronavirus being spread on the internet. WHO has busted most of the myths regarding Coronavirus. You can check what myths are true and what are just baseless myths by clicking this link.

Tips for Safety

  • Try not to panic as epidemics like this may cause mass hysteria among people.
  • Crowding the hospitals because of a small common cold in fear of getting the virus causes other patients inconvenience. Also, you may get the virus in the hospital so don't panic.
  • If you are infected please keep yourself quarantined as it has chances of affecting others as well.

For more safety tips, follow this link.

In conclusion, Nepal is safe from Coronavirus until today. With only one case of Coronavirus with full recovery, Nepal is uninfected with the virus for now. So if you are someone who is planning to visit Nepal, be assured that you are safe here. The only thing you will worry about is which trips to take in your limited time. Make sure to drink lots of water and maintain proper hygiene to boost your immunity and stay safe on your journey to making beautiful memories in Nepal.

For more updates on the Coronavirus in Nepal, you can check the official site of the Health Emergency Operation Centre.

Status Update from Tourism Board of Nepal

Status Update from Tourism Board of Nepal